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Shift Your Mindset

Shift your fixed mindset to a growth mindset and watch your world transform as you become more open to new  information and more resilient in the face of adversity.

Develop Core Confidence

Build core confidence that will give you indomitable self-esteem and allow you to silence limiting beliefs, break psychological barriers and empower others in the process.

Strengthen Your Body & Mind

Develop a strong body and sound mind with proper nutrition, regular exercise, and a growth mindset that will allow the positive effects to ripple into all areas of your life.

Emotional Healing

Mend old hurts and reclaim your power by piecing back together the pieces that will make you stronger than ever turning your mess into your messages and aiding others along the way.

Build Community

Be inspired to step into your power while also inspiring others with your story who are seeking to achieve similar life goals and creating a more fulfilling and healthy lifestyle.

Why Choose A Wellness Retreat


Wellness retreats are quickly becoming a new trend that many are choosing to indulge in when picking a vacation of choice. Far too many of us are guilty of taking a vacation and returning to our daily routines more exhausted and drained than when we left, leaving us with a feeling of needing a vacation from the vacation.

Wellness retreats allow us the opportunity to make time for self-care and more importantly allocate us time to work on all those important lifestyle changes we’ve been meaning to make but simply lack the time, discipline, and motivation to execute.

More importantly, these retreats provide us with the chance for deep self-reflection, time, and guidance for self-improvement such as breaking old habits and implementing new ones, eating better, exercising regularly, and providing valuable tools and knowledge to help aid pain points to our daily lives.

Probably some of the best aspects of wellness retreats are that they offer a personalized experience for each individual in attendance, a vacation that actually leaves you feeling rejuvenated, the opportunity to enjoy luxurious wellness, an escape from your regular responsibilities and a chance to simply clear your mind!

Dear Storm Nation:

Welcome to the Storm Innovations community! I am so happy you have arrived at this very place, and chosen to start your journey of transformation to a better and more fulfilling life!

My hope was to create a 3-day wellness retreat in the heart of nature, designed to recharge your body and nourish your mind while also building community and a lifetime of change.

Here at Storm Innovations we truly believe everyone  has the power within them to reach their ultimate potential. You will embark on a journey to rediscover your purpose, anchor your sense of self, and become greater than your greatest limitations.

Be ready to step outside your comfort zone, when you walk out of the storm you won’t be the same person, but that’s what the storm is all about.

Sandra Lanois-Bazinet

The first step to getting what you want is having the courage to get rid of what you don’t.

Summer Retreat

Due to COVID-19, all 2021 retreats have been canceled, Storm Wellness Retreats are set to start again in August 2022.

Winter Retreat

Due to COVID-19, all 2021 retreats have been canceled, Storm Wellness Retreats are set to start again in January 2023.

Meditation & Yoga

During the summer our meditation takes place outside in the spiral meditation garden, while our yoga takes place on the beachfront that looks out over the lake. In the event that unfortunate weather be present or during the winter both our meditation and yoga classes take place in a  cozy 780 square foot Yoga Studio that comes equipped with bolsters, mats, blocks, straps, and a 22″ Gong. Both our meditation and yoga classes offered will take you on a wonderful journey away from your chaotic mind with calming sounds and music, earthy smells and a pleasant soft light that will leave you feeling at peace.

Martial Arts & fitness

Both the summer and winter retreat offer daily martial arts and fitness classes that take place either outside in the garden or inside the yoga studio. Our classes offer comprehensive instruction on defending yourself in worst-case scenarios. You will learn basic self-defense principles and theory, and practical situational self-defense techniques. You will also have the pleasure to partake in mini bootcamp classes helping you push past your limitations. You will be introduced and surrounded by an amazing community to inspire you to step into your power.

Creative Outlets & Dance 

Each wellness retreat offers a unique dance and music component, everything from Taiko drums to Zumba classes can be on the menu to ensure we get your body moving and your heart pumping. Dancing changes your body’s physiology which can help improve your mood and reduce stress and anxiety, while music is proven to light up parts of your brain that bring well needed endorphins to the rescue. Classes can take place indoors or outdoors pending weather conditions and are usually 1 hour in duration. Remember… this weekend is about stepping outside of your comfort zone and stepping into your power!

outdoor activities & Nature Hiking

During the summer our venue has many outdoor activities available such as canoeing and kayaking, swimming in the open lake, and many beautiful trails that are perfect for nature hiking. During the winter activities are more limited but snowshoes are available to enjoy some winter trekking through the woods. Hiking in nature is proven to quite literally benefit your mind, body and soul, reducing countless health problems, helping to relieve stress, anxiety and even depression. It is also a great activity that encourages self-reflection, decompression, emotional processing and can also be an amazing team activity.

Gratitude Practice & Journaling 

Gratitude practices are consistently associated with greater happiness and helps us appreciate the present moment allowing us to not only build a memory but an experience. It  also allows us to be more resilient in the face of adversity, strengthens our relationships and improves our overall health. Journaling is another practice with many similar benefits, however, journaling also encourages thought organization and the decluttering of your mind, allows you to set your intentions and goals for the day, and the opportunity to process emotional turbulence, and inspire creativity. A Storm Journal will be 1 of many surprises!

Confidence Building Mastermind

The Confidence Building Mastermind teaches you how to be your most confident self. Together we will build a lifestyle you can fall in love with while helping you achieve your ultimate potential. Covering various areas such as developing a growth mindset, breaking bad habits and discarding limiting beliefs, establishing core confidence and self-esteem, setting and maintaining health and wellness, nutrition, and fitness standards, and anchoring your relationships and career. No matter what stage you are at in your journey of transformation you can be sure Storm Academy will challenge you to level up!

Campfire, reiki, Massage And More

No wellness retreat would be complete without the option to have an awesome massage to ease away the tension, or your choice of a Reiki energy cleansing session to stimulate your body’s natural healing abilities or possibly even some sound healing to aid your body in rebalancing. Before and after your treatment you will also have access to the wood burning sauna. When you are done being pampered you can join the team outside, for you can be sure  while we are out secluded in nature campfires are an absolute must, and luckily for us our location is equipped with not 1 but 3 fire pits!

Nature Cabin & On-site Catering

Located in Alcove, Quebec our retreat location features a rustic cabin nestled in the woods equipped with various options for sleeping arrangements. You will also have access to a 780 sqft yoga studio, and a beautiful upstairs lounge area with wood stove. There is also a quality kitchen restaurant at your disposal that offers lunch and dinner options and has a full vegetarian menu. A semi-private lake with a sandy beach with a 10 person wood burning sauna is also at your service! There are also bathrooms with showers in the main lodge to ensure your comfort and many outdoor amenities.

Are you ready for a life changing Experience

Send us an e-mail to be added to the pre-registration list and be the first to know when tickets go on sale!

Storm Innovations Inc.

Suite #620
136 – 2446 Bank St.
Ottawa, Ontario K1V 1A4

Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday
8AM – 4PM
Saturday and Sunday
9AM – 2PM

Copyright © 2018-2022 Storm Innovations Inc. All rights reserved.