
A curated selection of top-quality books, courses, apps and products that we
recommend to help you achieve your goals and live your best life.

Recommended Books


Atomic Habits by James Clear

This book provides a step-by-step guide for building positive habits and breaking negative ones, using proven techniques based on behavioral science.

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

This book offers insights into how to live in the present moment and overcome negative thought patterns, in order to experience greater peace and joy in life.

Essentialism by Greg McKeown

This book offers practical advice for simplifying your life and focusing on what truly matters, in order to achieve greater clarity and fulfillment.

The 4-Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferriss

This book offers strategies for achieving greater freedom and flexibility in your work life, by maximizing productivity and outsourcing non-essential tasks.

The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod

This book offers a morning routine designed to increase productivity, improve health, and achieve greater overall fulfillment.

Deep Work by Cal Newport

This book offers strategies for achieving greater productivity and creativity by minimizing distractions and focusing on high-value tasks.

Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes

This book offers insights on the power of saying “yes” to new experiences and opportunities, in order to achieve greater personal growth and fulfillment.

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

This book tells the story of a shepherd boy on a journey of self-discovery and offers insights into the importance of following your dreams and listening to your heart.


Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol S. Dweck

This book explains how our mindset can either enhance or limit our potential for success, and offers practical strategies for cultivating a growth mindset.

Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth

This book explores the importance of perseverance and passion in achieving long-term success and provides insights on how to develop grit.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey

This book presents seven habits that successful people exhibit and offers guidance on how to adopt these habits in order to improve one’s personal and professional life.

The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale

This book emphasizes the power of positive thinking and offers techniques for cultivating a positive mindset, overcoming self-doubt, and achieving success.

Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl

This book recounts the author’s experiences in a Nazi concentration camp and explores the importance of finding meaning and purpose in life, even in the most difficult circumstances.

Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins

This book offers strategies for taking control of one’s life and achieving greater success in all areas, including mindset, emotions, physical health, and finances.

The Greatness Mindset by Lewis Howes

This book offers practical exercises and techniques for improving mindset, including visualization, goal-setting, and developing a positive self-image.

Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

This book explores the concept of “flow,” a state of complete immersion and engagement in an activity, and offers insights on how to achieve this state more frequently.


The Gifts of Imperfection by Brené Brown

A guide to embracing one’s true self by letting go of the need to be perfect and cultivating self-compassion and resilience.

Radical Self-Love by Gala Darling

A self-help book that provides practical tips, tools, and exercises for developing self-love, improving self-esteem, and achieving one’s goals.

Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It by Kamal Ravikant

A short and simple book that teaches readers how to cultivate self-love by repeating the mantra “I love myself” and letting go of negative thoughts and beliefs.

The Self-Love Experiment by Shannon Kaiser

A step-by-step guide to developing self-love by practicing self-care, setting boundaries, and embracing one’s unique qualities.

You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero

A self-help book that encourages readers to let go of limiting beliefs, cultivate self-confidence, and take bold actions to create the life they want.

The Mastery of Love by Don Miguel Ruiz

A spiritual guide to cultivating self-love and developing healthy relationships by letting go of fear, judgment, and attachment.

The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer

A spiritual guide that encourages readers to explore their inner selves and let go of limiting beliefs, attachments, and fears in order to achieve greater freedom and self-awareness.

The Path Made Clear by Oprah Winfrey

A self-help book that provides insights and advice from various experts on how to find one’s life purpose and cultivate self-awareness, self-love, and personal growth.


The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman

This book explains the different ways people express and receive love. It offers practical advice on how to identify and speak your partner’s love language to build a strong and lasting relationship.

Attached by Amir Levine and Rachel Heller

This book explores the science of adult attachment and offers insights into how understanding attachment styles can help you create stronger, more fulfilling relationships.

Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus by John Gray

This book offers insights into how men and women communicate and relate differently, and provides practical advice for improving communication and building stronger relationships.

Hold Me Tight by Sue Johnson

This book offers practical guidance for building stronger emotional connections with your partner and provides insights on how to recognize and overcome negative patterns in your relationship.

The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work by John Gottman and Nan Silver

This book presents seven principles for building and maintaining a happy and healthy marriage, based on years of research by renowned relationship expert John Gottman.

Getting the Love You Want by Harville Hendrix

This book offers a step-by-step guide for building deeper emotional connections with your partner and provides insights on how to recognize and heal childhood wounds that may be affecting your current relationship.

The Relationship Cure by John Gottman

This book offers practical strategies for building stronger relationships with your partner, family, and friends, based on the principles of emotional intelligence and effective communication.

Love Sense by Sue Johnson

This book explores the science of love and attachment and offers insights on how to cultivate stronger, more fulfilling relationships based on the principles of emotional connection and responsiveness.


The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk

This book explores the ways in which traumatic experiences can impact the mind and body, and offers strategies for healing and recovery.

The Plant Paradox by Steven R. Gundry

This book challenges conventional dietary wisdom, arguing that certain “healthy” foods may actually be harmful to our health, and offers alternative dietary recommendations.

The Whole30 by Melissa Hartwig Urban and Dallas Hartwig

This book offers a 30-day dietary program designed to improve overall health and wellness, by eliminating potentially harmful foods and promoting nutrient-dense whole foods.

The Autoimmune Fix by Tom O'Bryan

This book offers insights into the ways in which autoimmune disorders can be triggered by environmental factors, and offers strategies for preventing and reversing autoimmune damage.

Clean by Alejandro Junger

This book offers a program for cleansing the body of toxins and restoring overall health and vitality, using a combination of dietary and lifestyle changes.

Grain Brain by David Perlmutter

This book argues that the consumption of certain foods, particularly grains, can contribute to a range of health issues, including neurological disorders, and offers dietary recommendations for promoting brain health.

The 4-Hour Body by Timothy Ferriss

This book offers unconventional strategies for improving overall health and wellness, including diet and exercise techniques, as well as tips for optimizing sleep and cognitive performance.

The Bulletproof Diet by Dave Asprey

This book offers a dietary program designed to optimize physical and cognitive performance, by emphasizing high-quality fats and limiting potentially harmful foods.


The Mindbody Prescription by John E. Sarno

This book provides a revolutionary approach to healing chronic pain and other conditions by addressing the underlying emotional issues that may be contributing to the physical symptoms.

You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hay

This book offers a holistic approach to healing that encompasses the mind, body, and spirit, and provides practical tools and exercises for self-healing and personal growth.

Healing the Shame that Binds You by John Bradshaw

This book examines the role of shame in our lives and provides insights into how shame can contribute to a range of emotional and physical health problems, as well as practical strategies for healing.

Anatomy of the Spirit by Caroline Myss

This book explores the connection between spirituality and physical health and offers a comprehensive guide to healing the body, mind, and spirit.

The Healing Self by Deepak Chopra and Rudolph E. Tanzi

This book offers a groundbreaking approach to healing that focuses on the body’s natural ability to heal itself and provides practical strategies for boosting immunity and staying healthy for life.

The Power of Intention by Wayne W. Dyer

This book explores the power of intention and offers practical techniques for using intention to achieve healing and personal transformation.

The Healing Power of the Breath by Richard P. Brown and Patricia L. Gerbarg

This book provides an in-depth exploration of the benefits of breathwork for physical and emotional healing and offers practical techniques for using the breath to improve health and well-being.

The Biology of Belief by Bruce H. Lipton

This book explores the connection between our thoughts, beliefs, and the health of our body and provides insights into the role of consciousness in healing and personal transformation.

Recommended Products

Cosori Proii Air Fryer Oven Combo

The Cosori new-generation air fryer is a customizable kitchen appliance that cooks meals faster and crispier, reducing cooking time by up to 20%. It features 12 one-touch cooking functions, a personalized shake reminder, and a cookbook with 100 chef-created recipes. The detachable, nonstick basket is dishwasher-safe, PFOA-free, and BPA-free.

Instant Pot Duo

The Instant Pot Duo is a versatile kitchen appliance that functions as a 7-in-1 electric pressure cooker, slow cooker, rice cooker, steamer, sauté pan, yogurt maker, warmer, and sterilizer. With customizable cooking programs and 13 built-in smart programs, it can cook various meals up to 70% faster. It’s perfect for busy households, small apartments, or anyone who wants a multifunctional kitchen appliance.

BodyRestore Shower Steamers Aromatherapy

Transform your shower into a luxurious spa experience with Eucalyptus Shower Steamers. The invigorating and relaxing aromatherapy scent of eucalyptus will fill your shower and soothe your senses. Made with natural ingredients, these steamers dissolve slowly, releasing essential oils to promote relaxation and restore your body.

Dr Teal's Lavender Epsom Salts

This kilogram of Dr. Teal’s Epsom Salt is made with pure magnesium sulfate and scented with lavender essential oil, providing a calming and relaxing bath experience. The salts help soothe sore muscles, ease joint pain, and detoxify the body, making it a perfect addition to your bath routine.

Vacuum Insulated Food Jar

The Vacuum Insulated Food Jar is a portable and durable container that keeps food hot or cold for hours. It features double-walled stainless steel insulation, a leak-proof lid, and a wide-mouth opening for easy filling and cleaning. Ideal for on-the-go meals, soups, stews, and more.

Cooler Backpack

The Cooler Backpack is a functional and stylish backpack that keeps food and drinks cool for hours. It features high-density insulation, leak-proof lining, and multiple pockets for organization. Ideal for work, picnics, and travel, it offers hands-free convenience and can hold 24-54 cans.

Hidrate Spark TAP Smart Water Bottle

The Hidrate Spark TAP Smart Water Bottle is a unique and innovative water bottle that tracks your hydration and reminds you to drink water throughout the day. It features a built-in sensor that detects when you drink and syncs with a hydration app to provide personalized water intake goals. The bottle is made of BPA-free plastic and holds up to 24 oz of water.

Slow Juicer Machines

The HOMEVER Masticating Juicer extracts nutritious juice from fruits, vegetables, and leafy greens using a slow and gentle process that preserves the flavor and quality of the ingredients. It includes a reverse function to prevent clogging and is easy to clean with dishwasher-safe parts, making it ideal for healthy lifestyles.

COSORI Food Dehydrator

The COSORI Stainless Steel Dehydrator is a versatile and efficient kitchen appliance that lets you dehydrate fruits, vegetables, meats, and more, preserving their nutrients and flavors. With six adjustable stainless steel trays, an intuitive digital control panel, and a temperature range of 77°F to 194°F, it’s easy to customize your dehydration process.

Tongue Scraper

A tongue scraper is a tool used to clean the surface of the tongue, removing bacteria, dead cells, and other debris that can cause bad breath. Metal tongue scrapers are durable, easy to clean, and a more eco-friendly option.

Sage Smudge Kit

This Sage Smudge Kit with Abalone Shell and Feather includes everything you need for smudging, a sacred Native American practice that cleanses negative energy from your space. The kit contains ethically sourced white sage, a hand-carved wooden stand, an abalone shell, and a turkey feather for fanning the smoke.

Maximus PRO Folding Rebounder

The MaXimus Pro Quarter Folding Rebounder Trampoline is a high-quality workout equipment that helps you stay fit and healthy. With its robust build, adjustable resistance bands, and foldable design, this rebounder trampoline can provide an enjoyable and effective cardio workout, tone your muscles, and improve your balance and coordination.

1 Year of Love Couple’s Game

This set of cards is designed for couples looking to add some fun and spontaneity to their relationship. With 52 different activities and conversation starters, you and your partner can explore new experiences together and deepen your connection. The set includes instructions and comes in a compact size, making it easy to take on the go.

The Essential Life Book 8th Edition

The Essential Life Book is an informative guide to the use of essential oils for natural health and wellness. It includes detailed information on more than 800 essential oils, blends, supplements, and personal care products. The book also features recipes, tips, and techniques for using essential oils in daily life.

The Hush Classic Blanket

This hypoallergenic and odorless weighted blanket is designed to provide a calming effect and improve sleep quality. The blanket is made of soft and breathable material that ensures comfort while sleeping. The evenly distributed weight of the blanket conforms to the body, providing a sensation of being hugged, which may help reduce stress and anxiety.

Red Light Panel

This light panel combo emits red and near-infrared light, which can be beneficial for skin and beauty therapy. The compact design makes it easy to use at home, and it includes a timer for convenience. The adjustable stand and various mounting options allow for versatile use.

Recommended APPS


With guided meditations, mindfulness exercises, and sleep soundscapes, users can learn to manage stress and anxiety, improve focus and productivity, and get better quality sleep. Headspace offers a range of programs and features to help you find calm and balance in your daily life.


With guided meditations, soothing sounds, and bedtime stories, users can improve their sleep quality and learn to manage anxiety and stress. Calm also offers programs for focus, gratitude, and self-improvement, making it a comprehensive tool for enhancing overall mental health.


Users can learn to manage stress, build resilience, and increase overall happiness. Happify offers personalized programs tailored to individual needs, making it a valuable tool for those seeking to enhance their mental health and live a more fulfilling life.


With daily check-ins, users can monitor their mood and gain insights into patterns and triggers. Moodfit also offers guided exercises and personalized tools for managing anxiety and depression, making it a comprehensive resource for enhancing overall mental health.


With a vast database of food and drink items, users can easily track their calorie intake and nutrients. MyFitnessPal also offers personalized workout plans and tracks progress, making it a valuable tool for those seeking to improve their overall fitness and wellbeing.

Nike Training Club

With a vast library of workouts, users can access personalized plans for strength training, cardio, and yoga. Nike Training Club also offers expert guidance and tracking tools, making it a comprehensive resource for achieving optimal fitness and wellbeing.


With customizable reminders and tracking tools, users can monitor their water intake and reach their daily hydration goals. WaterMinder also offers visual representations of progress, making it easy to track and adjust hydration levels for optimal health and well-being.


With personalized meal plans, users can access easy-to-follow recipes and grocery lists. Mealime also offers filters for dietary restrictions and preferences, making it easy to find meals that fit individual needs and lifestyles.


With personalized coaching and daily challenges, users can establish routines for exercise, nutrition, mindfulness, and productivity. Fabulous also offers community support and tracking tools, making it a comprehensive resource for enhancing overall wellness and happiness.


With daily prompts, users can reflect on and record the positive aspects of their life. Happyfeed also offers personalized tracking tools and community support, making it a valuable resource for those seeking to improve their mental and emotional health.


Through games and challenges, users can learn to manage stress, anxiety, and depression. SuperBetter also offers personalized coaching and community support, making it a comprehensive resource for enhancing overall mental and emotional health.


With guided meditations and affirmations, users can reprogram negative self-talk and build a sense of self-worth. ThinkUp also offers personalized recording features, making it a valuable tool for enhancing overall mental and emotional wellbeing.

Gottman Card Decks

With a variety of card decks featuring questions and prompts, users can explore different aspects of their relationship and deepen their connection. Gottman Card Decks also offers personalized recommendations and tracking tools, making it a valuable resource for enhancing overall relationship health.


With personalized assessments and exercises, users can explore different aspects of their relationship and gain insights into areas for improvement. Lasting also offers personalized counseling and tracking tools, making it a comprehensive resource for enhancing overall relationship health.

Happy Couple

With daily questions and personalized quizzes, users can explore different aspects of their relationship and gain insights into their partner’s thoughts and feelings. Happy Couple also offers personalized recommendations and tracking tools, making it a valuable resource for enhancing overall relationship health.


With a shared calendar, photo album, and customizable chat features, users can communicate and organize their lives together. Between also offers personalized recommendations and tracking tools, making it a valuable resource for enhancing overall relationship health and building stronger bonds.

Love Nudge

With personalized quizzes and challenges, users can explore their own love language and gain insights into their partner’s needs and preferences. Love Nudge also offers personalized recommendations and tracking tools, making it a valuable resource for enhancing overall relationship health.

Simple Habit

With a library of guided meditations for different scenarios and lifestyles, users can find a meditation that fits their needs. Simple Habit also offers personalized recommendations and tracking tools, making it a valuable resource for enhancing overall mental and emotional health.


With customizable tracking options, users can record their moods, activities, and habits to gain insights into patterns and triggers. Daylio also offers personalized recommendations and tracking tools, making it a valuable resource for enhancing overall mental and emotional health.

Aloe Bud

With customizable reminders and tracking tools, users can develop healthy habits and cope with daily stressors. Aloe Bud also offers personalized recommendations and insights, making it a valuable resource for enhancing overall wellness and self-care practices.


With a network of licensed therapists and counselors, users can connect with a professional from the comfort of their own home. BetterHelp also offers personalized counseling and tracking tools, making it a comprehensive resource for enhancing overall mental and emotional health.


With a network of licensed therapists and counselors, users can connect with a professional through messaging, audio, or video sessions. Talkspace also offers personalized counseling and tracking tools, making it a comprehensive resource for enhancing overall mental and emotional health.


With tools for mood tracking, mindfulness, and cognitive-behavioral therapy, users can build better habits and cope with daily stressors. Pacifica also offers personalized recommendations and tracking tools, making it a valuable resource for enhancing overall mental and emotional health.


With a directory of local businesses and customizable search options, users can discover new classes and services that fit their needs and schedule. Mindbody also offers personalized recommendations and tracking tools, making it a valuable resource for enhancing overall physical and mental health.


With customizable lists, reminders, and tracking tools, users can stay on top of their responsibilities and achieve their goals. Todoist also offers personalized recommendations and insights, making it a valuable resource for enhancing overall productivity and time management skills.


With a unique approach that simplifies the process of staying on task, users can plant virtual trees that grow while they work. Forest also offers customizable settings and tracking tools, making it a valuable resource for enhancing overall productivity and time management skills.


With automatic time tracking and detailed reports, users can gain insights into their digital habits and identify areas for improvement. RescueTime also offers customizable alerts and tracking tools, making it a valuable resource for enhancing overall productivity and time management skills.


Breathe2Relax enables individuals to acquire and rehearse techniques that foster mindfulness and relaxation. Through customized recommendations and progress tracking, this stress management app serves as a valuable tool to improve mental and emotional well-being.

recommended courses

Support & Accountability

Being part of our online Inner Circle Community can provide you with a support system that can encourage and motivate you to achieve your personal growth goals. Members of the community can hold you accountable and provide feedback to help you improve.

Support & Accountability

Being part of our online Inner Circle Community can provide you with a support system that can encourage and motivate you to achieve your personal growth goals. Members of the community can hold you accountable and provide feedback to help you improve.

Support & Accountability

Being part of our online Inner Circle Community can provide you with a support system that can encourage and motivate you to achieve your personal growth goals. Members of the community can hold you accountable and provide feedback to help you improve.

Support & Accountability

Being part of our online Inner Circle Community can provide you with a support system that can encourage and motivate you to achieve your personal growth goals. Members of the community can hold you accountable and provide feedback to help you improve.

Support & Accountability

Being part of our online Inner Circle Community can provide you with a support system that can encourage and motivate you to achieve your personal growth goals. Members of the community can hold you accountable and provide feedback to help you improve.

Support & Accountability

Being part of our online Inner Circle Community can provide you with a support system that can encourage and motivate you to achieve your personal growth goals. Members of the community can hold you accountable and provide feedback to help you improve.

Support & Accountability

Being part of our online Inner Circle Community can provide you with a support system that can encourage and motivate you to achieve your personal growth goals. Members of the community can hold you accountable and provide feedback to help you improve.

Support & Accountability

Being part of our online Inner Circle Community can provide you with a support system that can encourage and motivate you to achieve your personal growth goals. Members of the community can hold you accountable and provide feedback to help you improve.


The inner circle has truly transformed my mindset and helped me develop a greater sense of self-love. The resources are invaluable and the support from the community is amazing.

Sarah Johnson

I’ve tried many personal growth programs in the past, but the inner circle is by far the most comprehensive. The coaches provide valuable insights and the monthly challenges keep me motivated.

David Rodriguez

I’ve been a member of the inner circle for over a year now. The coaches are knowledgeable and supportive, and the community is filled with like-minded individuals committed to personal growth and development.

Adam Williams

I highly recommend the inner circle to anyone looking to make positive changes in their life. The resources are top-notch and the support from the coaches is unparalleled.

Rachel Patel

Being part of the inner circle has been a game-changer for me. I’ve gained a better understanding of myself and have learned so much about self-care and self-improvement.

Emily Nguyen

If you’re on the fence about joining the inner circle, I say go for it! The monthly challenges are a great way to stay accountable and the resources are truly life-changing.

Olivia Chang

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